Monday, February 25, 2008

Marriage in gay couples

Nowadays there are more and more gay people in the world, and also there are gay couples that want to marry. As a response to that, there is debate in the world about if the gay couples should have the right to get marry or not. I think that gay couple should have the legal right to marry because, as people, they should have the right to be proud of their love, receive the legal rights that a marriage gives, and raise children together.

Everybody should have the right to express their feelings and to be proud of them. Gay people are not less people for having a different sexual orientation to the one that we are used to accepting. In some cultures, marriage is one way in which the lovers say to their partners and to the entire world that they are proud of their love, and everybody should have the same right to express this feeling. If every straight person can show through marriage that he love his partner, it should be allowed that gay people have the same possibility because they are people too.

In addition, marriage brings many legal benefits that should be allowed for everybody. When the people are marry, they have the possibility to make medical decisions for their partner, and if the other person died of have some trouble, they have the right to decide what the best choice is. As is suggested by the article, “Gay marriage: An emotional issue,” one of the crucial points in the debate of marriage between gay people is that gay couples should have the same benefits that have straight couples. Marriage brings a lot of legal rights that everybody should allowed to have.

Nonetheless there is a good point that Paul Steinfeld mentions in his article, “Opposition to Same-sex marriage,” about why gay couples shouldn’t be allowed to marry. Steinfeld says that marriage is not just the union between two people, but the consideration of a family and children. According to Steinfeld, it is not good that gay people get marry, not because they don’t deserve be respected, but because they can’t raise a child well. On the contrary, I think that if there are single mothers and single fathers that raise their children on their own, why can’t a couple of two women or two men? In our society there are a lot of people that raise their children alone, without a mother or father figure, so I think that there is not reason to say that two people of the same sex can’t raise a child well.

In conclusion, marriage between gay people should be allowed because they deserve to be proud of their love, to have the legal benefits that a marriage gives and there isn’t a good reason to prohibit two people that love each other from having a home together. Modern society has to accept that today there is another way to express and feel love and that the fact that this way is different than the traditional one doesn’t mean that is not a right way.

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