Monday, February 25, 2008

Marriage in gay couples

Nowadays there are more and more gay people in the world, and also there are gay couples that want to marry. As a response to that, there is debate in the world about if the gay couples should have the right to get marry or not. I think that gay couple should have the legal right to marry because, as people, they should have the right to be proud of their love, receive the legal rights that a marriage gives, and raise children together.

Everybody should have the right to express their feelings and to be proud of them. Gay people are not less people for having a different sexual orientation to the one that we are used to accepting. In some cultures, marriage is one way in which the lovers say to their partners and to the entire world that they are proud of their love, and everybody should have the same right to express this feeling. If every straight person can show through marriage that he love his partner, it should be allowed that gay people have the same possibility because they are people too.

In addition, marriage brings many legal benefits that should be allowed for everybody. When the people are marry, they have the possibility to make medical decisions for their partner, and if the other person died of have some trouble, they have the right to decide what the best choice is. As is suggested by the article, “Gay marriage: An emotional issue,” one of the crucial points in the debate of marriage between gay people is that gay couples should have the same benefits that have straight couples. Marriage brings a lot of legal rights that everybody should allowed to have.

Nonetheless there is a good point that Paul Steinfeld mentions in his article, “Opposition to Same-sex marriage,” about why gay couples shouldn’t be allowed to marry. Steinfeld says that marriage is not just the union between two people, but the consideration of a family and children. According to Steinfeld, it is not good that gay people get marry, not because they don’t deserve be respected, but because they can’t raise a child well. On the contrary, I think that if there are single mothers and single fathers that raise their children on their own, why can’t a couple of two women or two men? In our society there are a lot of people that raise their children alone, without a mother or father figure, so I think that there is not reason to say that two people of the same sex can’t raise a child well.

In conclusion, marriage between gay people should be allowed because they deserve to be proud of their love, to have the legal benefits that a marriage gives and there isn’t a good reason to prohibit two people that love each other from having a home together. Modern society has to accept that today there is another way to express and feel love and that the fact that this way is different than the traditional one doesn’t mean that is not a right way.

Monday, February 18, 2008


One of the most important ships sinking was the on of the Titanic. There were a lot of deaths, and it was considered a disaster for the American ship industry. There are many studies that tell about the causes of the rapid sinking of the Titanic, but it is also important to know that there were a lot of effects of the sinking of the Titanic. This sinking was a very important national event that had effects in the American society, the way ships were built, and safety controls.

The day in which the Titanic sank a lot of people died, and some of them were very important people in American society. These deaths were one of the effects of the sinking of the Titanic. The sinking of the Titanic was on April 14, 1912. The ship sank in just three hours and as it did not have enough lifeboats, many people died that day. There were two 2002 people on board and only 705 survived the accident. According to the author of “The effects of the Titanic,”[1] these deaths were a huge loss in American society. In addition, there were two important men in the American society that died that day, and their deaths caused an important and big impression on the Americans. The names of the men were Mr. Isidor Straus and Colonel John Jacob Astor IV. The first one, Mr. Isidor Straus, was the owner of a company that hindered the business of the confederate states during the American Civil War, so his death was a huge shock for the American society. The second one, Colonel Astor IV was a very renowned scientist, so his death was considered a huge loss. The death of these two men and, in general, the death of all the people that died in the Titanic sinking caused a very huge impact on the American society.

Another effect of the sinking of the Titanic was that since the accident, the way ships were built changed. According to Vicki Basset, the author of “Causes and effects of the rapid sinking of the Titanic,”[2] as a result of the sinking of the Titanic, ships starting to be made with bigger lower sides and harder hulls, and the specifications of the walls of the compartments of the ships were changed. In a “Convention on Safety of Life at Sea” in 1948, it was decided that the walls must be horizontal or across the width of the ship and that it has to be watertight on both sides. These decisions were made due to the sinking of the Titanic. The decisions of change some technical specifications in the ship construction were effects of the huge impact that cause the sinking of the Titanic.

According to Basset, safety controls also changed because of the sinking of the ship that everybody thought was invincible, the Titanic. Now it is required that all ships that have more than 1600 tons carry wireless machines aboard. This rule was made so the ships could communicate with land, check their position, be informed of the weather conditions and ask for help in case of an emergency. Another safe rule that was established after this historical sinking was that the life boats must have the capacity for all of passengers plus the work team. This rule is especially important because one of the most fatal errors in the tragedy of the Titanic was that in the ship there were not enough life boats for all the people who were on the Titanic. As result of the tragedy a group of scientist to check the weather was also created. This group was called the “ice-patrol.” They are aware of the weather and ice conditions in the North Atlantic and their function is to communicate this information to the ships. This rule was established in order to prevent that ships run into icebergs or some kind of weather condition that could put in risk the safety of them. After the sinking of the Titanic, there were a lot of changes in the management the security of ships.

The sinking of the Titanic was stunning for American society not just for the deaths that this tragedy caused, but for the errors that revealed in the way of build ships and in the lack of security on the sea. There were a lot of changes in the way of people thought and the way of the experts built ships and uses the security in order to avoid another disaster of this dimension.



Friday, February 1, 2008

My Place in my Family

I’m a middle child and being a middle child is very good, but also very difficult. The middle position has given me some possibilities that other siblings usually don’t have; however it has given me some responsibilities that my siblings don’t have either. Being in the middle of your family could bring you many advantages, but also some disadvantages.

One of the most important advantages of being the middle child is the very good relationship with the other siblings. In my case, there are three children in the family, so I’m the closest in age to both of my siblings. The nearness in age with my siblings, sometimes, is very helpful to share our experiences and thoughts, and that’s why I can have a friendship with both. Being the middle child is a factor for having a good relationship because the nearness in age can bring the opportunity to share many things. With my older sister I have a closer relationship than I have with my younger brother because I’m only two years younger than my sister, but I’m six years older than my brother. However, because I’m closer in age with my brother than he is with my sister, he often turns to me for some advice.

Another advantage to being a middle child is the lesson of earning your own things. Sometimes, middle children have to earn their own things because there isn't anybody that gives them what they want. However, this is a good thing because they learn that they aren’t going to receive all like a gift, but they have to earn their things. As Dr. Kevin Leman says, middle children often want to have their own things and also are most organized and responsible, because they don’t have someone that is helping them all the time (to confront “Middle children and their position on their family”, lines 32-40). As Dr. Leman says middle children usually are more independent, but this doesn’t mean that they want to go away and dwindle their bonds with their siblings in the future. The lesson of earning their own things gives an independent feeling, but the nearness to their siblings, also building a very strong bond with them. I’m independent because of my parents, and this had been a very good lesson for me because now I know that I have to work hard for my things and to be successful in my life, but this way of thinking doesn’t make me distant from my siblings.

Even if being a middle child is very good, this position in the family can bring some disadvantages. Sometimes, middle children feel that their parents ignore them, especially when the younger sibling is born. In that moment they feel that they aren’t as important as their siblings are because they were used to have so much attention and now they don’t have that. When the younger sibling born, as Dr. Lemon says that middle children feel that they don’t have their parents attention that the other siblings have because the older sibling is special for being the first, and the new sibling is special for being the baby, but they feel that they don’t have a place anymore.

Another disadvantage that I have in my family for being the middle child is that if my siblings don’t do what they have to do, I have to cover them. Usually this responsibility is for the older one, but in my case I’m the one that has to be the responsible one, because my older sister is a little bit disorganized. When my parents travel and my siblings and I are alone, they put me in charge of the money and all house chores. That doesn’t mean that I have to do it all, but that I have to organize my siblings and play the mother role. Although I like to help, this role can be very difficult.

Being the middle child is very good and difficult at the same time, but in general it is very good being in the middle. Middle children have some responsibilities and sometimes they can feel that they aren’t as important as their siblings are, but they learn a lot of things and they have the huge advantage of being closer to each of their siblings.